Is this Web Site spiritually safe? Can you trust what you learn here?

Determining who and what we can trust and put faith in is the problem we all face as we strive to learn what the Bible teaches. It illustrates we should cautiously listen to what others say about the Bible. That is how we learn from sincere preachers. The Bible notes a wealthy man riding in his chariot who was approached by a Christian man named Philip who was walking on the road. This powerful and wealthy man was humble and sincere, and he listened to Phillip with great reward. (Acts 8:26-38) In that account, the man had some Bible knowledge already, and Philip taught him based on what he knew was true from the Bible. The man had faith in the Bible, and Philip built on and expanded that faith based upon yet more Bible knowledge. That is the pattern you must follow with this site, and with anyone you might speak with about the Bible. It is very simple really: Are the teachings from the Bible? The truth is, it might be hard for you to know for some little time whether they are teaching from the Bible or not. When Philip approached the chariot in the illustration, the man didn't know if Philip had anything of value, but he wisely listened. The man thus showed himself Noble Minded as he proved to himself that what Philip had to say came from the Bible. Sadly, individuals sometimes assert the Bible says what it does not say; And it is wise on your part to be concerned about what you learn from this site.

As an example: I (*1) had two young men representing themselves as Mormons call on me at my home several years ago. They wanted to study the Bible with me and my family. I was impressed with their zeal and I was not afraid for myself, or for my family. I told them that would be fine as long as we all agreed the Bible would form the basis of knowledge for the study. They both asserted that would be good. We had a nice study as we considered Bible subjects and were in agreement with what the Bible said. After a few weeks however, they introduced a name for their God I had not heard before, and asserted he lived on a planet with a name I had also never heard. I asked where they got such knowledge, and they asserted it came from the book of Mormon. I suggested that breached our agreement. They asserted they believed it did not as they considered the Book of Mormon as an extension of the Bible. The Bible gives the name of God, and says simply that He resides in the heavens. What they asserted was thus contrary to the Bible, or went beyond it's teachings. (1 Corinthians 4:6) That ended the study as they were unwilling to return to our original agreement: That the Bible would be the sole authority for our study. It did not harm me or my family to study with those men. It increased our knowledge of the Bible and I hope it helped them. Discussing the Bible will always be a help for anyone who studies with a determination to be certain what they learn is coming from the Bible.

That is the thing those who want to deceive you will always try to take away: The Bible. In the dark ages the church literally took the Bible away from the common man. Today, they are sneakier. They will assert they have other books, or other writings, that you should study from and listen to without question; Just as you should learn to have faith in the Bible. Another way they take away the Bible is to assert you are not wise enough to understand it, and you need someone to interpret the Bible for you. They will assert you need a priest, or preacher, or elder, or an anointed one, to interpret what the Bible says. Don't believe it! The Bible is a book for all people. It is all you need to define and defend "truth." This site attempts to be a consideration of what the Bible teaches for the edification of all. It is a multi-person Bible study effort. To have and maintain a sort of skeletal view of some basic Bible truths which form the theme of the Bible and which we (*1) want to remember and to have at hand; For ourselves, and for any who have interest.

The answer to your question then: "Is this Web Site spiritually safe?", you must decide that for yourself; Just as the Ethiopian eunuch had to do. (Acts 8:26-38) Use your power of reason to make your mind over using scriptural light to do so. (Romans 12:1-2) May you have success in seeking the truth from God's word the bible! (Isaiah 55:11) It is God's desire for you to learn the truth, and that is why Jesus said: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth." (John 18:37)

Now, even if one is determined to use the Bible as the measure of all he or she believes, there is still a danger. You want to be cautious not to be led to pick and choose scriptures to support "your belief."

As part of my personal Bible study, a few years ago I (*1) produced a graph of time (This is a large file [2 MB] and loads slowly.) which graphically depicts the 6000 year recorded stream of time as revealed by the Bible. It is cryptic as my attempt was to reveal for my personal use the Bible's theme, with Bible teachings displayed graphically and chronologically, to form a better mental picture of that theme. It was about one foot high by eight feet long. I was proud of the result, and so I made it into a scroll and gave some as gifts. One dear friend was thrilled to get it, saying it was the nicest gift he had ever received. He was showing it to everyone! Later though, he said it must have been hard for me to determine what to put on the scroll. I knew some had raised questions in his mind about the validity of my choices as to what should be put onto the scroll. That is good and I hope he goes on to verify what the Bible says. Elsewhere on the site, we mentioned the danger of picking and choosing scriptures from the Bible, as by doing so one can make the Bible say anything they wish. How then, do you pick out the scriptures supporting the theme of the Bible, without becoming guilty of picking and choosing scriptures to support your own ideas. Of course, we always first pray for help to avoid being deceived. Then, as to our part in the matter, it is simple really. If you are selecting scriptures to reveal the Bible theme, there will not be any scriptures that contradict the mental picture you are constructing. If you are picking and choosing what you want the Bible to say, there will be scriptures that don't fit in; That contradict your belief. By that contradiction you can know your understanding is wrong. All scripture is beneficial to define "truth." (2 Timothy 3:16)

Let me (*1) give you an example of something you do well to examine: At two different places on this site, we (*1) have suggested in the one that the great tribulation coming upon men might be brought about by man's own abuse of the earth, and by his rebellion against God's laws; That mankind's tribulation is brought about by his own hand as it were. Mankind cuts down all the rain forests for example, and then he is beset by terrible flooding as a consequence. We stated that God doesn't need to destroy rebellious mankind, as man is doing it to himself. That God is actually using the angels to hold back the destruction of that great tribulation, to give the chance for life to as many as possible. (Revelation 7:1-2&13-14) There we said the Bible teaches that if those terrible days were not cut short by God, all flesh would be destroyed; (Mark 13:20) and that God in holding back that destruction, and finally, will bring those days to a conclusion to prevent everyone from being killed.

Elsewhere on the site, we suggested that God would destroy the wicked at Armageddon. (Ezekiel 9:4-6) Does God hold back the destruction then, or does He bring it about? These two statements might seem at first glance to be contradictory, but they are not. Both can be true! The great tribulation is a period leading up to Armageddon, and the Bible teaches God will protect the righteous during that tribulation so as to preserve them alive. There can never be peace on the earth however, as long as the wicked exist to cause harm. Many who do not have God's protection will likely be killed during that time of tribulation, but likely not all. It will be a time of destruction that is indiscriminate, without respect for any person. God's protection by his spirit will be the only real hope. At some point them, when Jehovah has determined there is no good to come from any further extension of time, He will stop holding back the destructive forces and step in to destroy the wicked left remaining. Some will likely say: "Aren't you just creating a mental picture to fit in all those scriptures." "Yes!" That is precisely what we are trying to do. That is how you know you are not picking and choosing scriptures to fit your own preconceived notions. You must continually change your understanding of "truth" based on what you learn from the Bible. The Bible teaches both that God will use the angels to protect individuals during the great tribulation, and that he will use those same angels to destroy the wicked at Armageddon. Therefore, they must both be true statements! That is how you can know what scriptures you can use to define the theme of the Bible. If you don't have to ignore any scriptures in painting your mental theme, then your understanding must be what God intended when he gave us the Bible. What is presented here as the Bible theme is an effort to be helpful. The theme of the Bible based upon your understanding of the Bible however, can only be yours. No one can give it to you. They can teach you what the Bible says, but you must prove yourself noble minded by defining the Bible's theme for yourself, thus knowing "what is truth." That is not to say of course, the Bible has a different story for every individual. There is only one truth. We must all know that truth for ourselves however, if we are to have true faith in it. The Bible is the one and only tool that can define "truth" for you.

We (*1) believe this site is safe, and helpful to learn what the Bible teaches. That is what you must decide for yourself by an examination of the Bible. May we all expend our energies to do so! There is no greater reward of life. (Matthew 13:44) It will make you happy! (Matthew 5:3)

*1 [On a personal note: You will note as you consider this site, that the site will sometimes indicate that "I" did something or learned something, and sometimes that "we" did. The attempt is made so that as individuals provide scriptural support to the effort, we strive to stipulate that "we" did it. Minimally, if it is something that is more of a personal experience, the site will say "I" did it. Additional support is welcome. (See support page.)]

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