When Jehovah's Witnesses visit your door, no matter how you respond, they will leave believing they have done all in their power to cause you to know God through Bible truth. In their mind, "their organization" is your only hope.
They actually believe rejecting their message (their doctrine) is rejecting God. To understand (or help) Jehovah's Witnesses, you should start by realizing many are sincere and devout and want to help. Even while imagining themselves Bible students, according to their own words, they have actually been misled to believe the teachings of their group are "spiritual food" coming down from God [thus imagining their organization's writings equal with the Bible]! (Mat 24:5 & 11; Mat 23:1–15) [Even with that attitude, they still think themselves humble in their work... They have likened their effort to mules bringing bags of gold to your door. (Watchtower, 1981, 5/15, P14, p3 - Luke 18:9-14)] I'm sure you realize, imagining their organizational writings to be spiritual food is really bad. (Mat 15:9; John 5:44) And, it is something most of their members don't know and won't even consider. They should all be helped to realize and understand: It is a disfellowshipping offense by the leaders of their sect to refuse to join in "openly asserting" all their writings are spiritual food [above being questioned]. (It's easy to verify what I say. Just consider this video of a real life disfellowshipping by JW's: JustBibleTruth.com/Videos/EditedMeetWithLouAndDaryl.mp4) The Doeg men (1 Samuel 21:7-22:19) who have gained control of their group have deceived them, and, they are deliberately and maliciously trying to deceive you. While their leaders have it well hidden (from most of even their own members) behind a facade of pretending to be Bible students, (Matthew 7:15-16) they are not Bible students at all. It is easy to know who they really are. The message they bring to your door is Watchtower truth, not Bible truth. The problem is, you see, those who visit your home don't realize the difference. They have been led to imagine the Watchtower is above (or equal to) the Bible. They won't admit that is true, of course, even to themselves. They are misled to imagine God requires their organization to explain the Bible to them, using the Watchtower magazines to do so. How can they not see that is putting the Watchtower above the Bible? Again, it is an easy thing to evaluate whether there is truth in my assertion. Just ask them to study the Gospels of Christ with you. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) If they agree to such an actual Bible study, both of you can "feel safe" in the study. Not so, however, if they feel compelled to "lead" you to study from their literature. Please consider:
The men in authority over JW's keep secret books the lower class members have no access to. What that means is... They don't even really know what they are members of. If any of them assert that is not true, and most of them certainly will, ask them to obtain a copy of an "elder book" for your consideration. (The book is titled "Shepherding the Flock of God in Your Care" or something like that, but is commonly referred to as their Elder Book.) They are anxious for you to accept their Watchtower magazines and selected publications, but they won't share that "elder book" with you. Even male "members" who have not been elevated to the title of elder are not able to examine it; even when considering their appointment to elder. No woman can ever examine those "elder books." If they had nothing to hide, why would they keep secret publications...? Ask them if their organization keeps other secret writings, intended only for those with stations or titles above the Elders, (only for Circuit Overseers, District Overseers, Governing Body members etc.) or, if they even know what secret books do exist. [They really don't!] Ask them if you can obtain copies of those books. Why would the organization hide such things, especially from its own members? Far more importantly, ask them if they believe all their publications are "spiritual food." Ask them if they realize failure to openly assert belief in their teaching that all their literature is spiritual food is a disfellowshipping offense. (For proof, visit: JustBibleTruth.com [select] Videos [select]Judicial committee meeting by Jehovah's Witnesses.) You They all need to be warned: Only the Bible is true spiritual food. (2 Tim 3:16 ; Gal 1:8-9) When their members can be deceived to imagine the group's writings are spiritual food, what or who is their faith really build on? Do they have faith in the Bible, or in their organizations teachings (which they assert to be spiritual food)? Similar to the Mormons with their book of Mormon, or the Catholics with their faith in the infallibility of the Pope (in all spiritual matters), all JW's are required to express faith the publications written by their group (and in the decisions rendered by their leaders - their "faithful and discreet slave") are "spiritual food." When they assert the writings they produce are spiritual food, they place those teachings as coming from the mouth of God and are thus beyond question. (This link provides, as an example, information volunteered by an appointed and approved Elder of the group. He demonstrated his great pride in placing the group's literature and instructions above what he knew to be Bible truth.) What is different and more dangerous about this group, however, (from groups like the Mormons and Catholics and others,) is JW's try to hide the unconditional faith their members are required to express in their magazines and books. They hide what they truly worship by pretending (and even imagining) they are Bible students. If you are a student of God's word, no reasonable person should expect you to join (or even associate with) any group that keeps secret publications forming the basis or doctrine of their faith. (Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 4:6) As leaders of the group police and enforce their doctrine as being infallible, zealous Elders feel the need to absolutely crush any individual's feelings of righteousness based in personal Bible study. They no doubt imagine this activity supports organizational unity. It probably does! Unity, though, based in what? (Proverbs 1:14; Isaiah 59:14-21) Organizational unity is only a good thing when they are actually followers of Jesus. Some of their leaders seem only to want lower members to cower before them, thus showing what they consider to be "proper respect." (Mat 23:5-15) Their very large problem is this: It is individual personal righteousness before our Father, built on personal faith in the Bible teachings of Christ, that distinguishes between true Christians and Doegs. (Acts 17:11) God is not looking for those who cower before other men. (John 5:44 ; 1 Cor 4:2-3; Acts 4:19-20) No matter how well intentioned they might be, by encouraging study of organizational doctrine, they are keeping their members from putting on the mind of Christ (which only Bible study can provide - with emphasis on the actual words of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). (1 Corinthians 2:14-16 ; Matthew 23:15 ; Mark 7:3 & 7:7-8) You will likely be surprised to learn: If you ask Jehovah's Witnesses to explain or even consider what is presented here, most will cover their ears and run. You will find their terror of being brain-washed, instilled in them by their sectarian leaders, (John 7:47-49; John 7:13) prevents them from even considering the truth. The sad fact is, they have already been brainwashed, to be in fear of listening to anyone except their human leaders. The Bible teaches there is no reason for them to live in fear. (1 John 4:18) Each of them made a decision to join their sect, and then, they spend the rest of their lives listening to their leaders as they try to justify their decision. Most don't realize remaining an approved member is abandoning their decision to learn from Christ; from the Bible. Reliance on the Bible, as their only source of spiritual food, will protect them from being deceived by anyone (including this website). (John 8:31-32) It will also free them from slavery to those who have already deceived them. (Galatians 5:1 & 4) (Some of the lords among JW's have derided this website saying the material is overly simple. They seem to have failed to note: Jesus thanked his Father because his message of truth was simple and clear. [Mat 11:25-30] We agree that our material is, like Jesus's teachings, simple and clear. We solicit their help in teaching the Bible, if they will just abandon their secret sectarian doctrine.)
We started out noting many among JW's are sincere. In their case, as with all religious organizations, being sincere is not enough! (Matthew 7:22) If you seek only group fellowship, and are willing to bow before the teachings of imperfect men in order to gain and keep their approval, (Matthew 15:3-11 ; Mark 7:3-4) their group might be as good as most (except becoming a true Christian, of course). If you feel compelled to elevate imperfect men to judge whether you are righteous or wicked, (1 Corinthians 4:3 ; Colossians 2:16-19) JW's are anxious to provide that service. Be careful... Don't follow them in imagining it is sincerity and cult membership that can grant life. (Luke 6:26 ; John 12:43) Members are deceived to imagine none of them can learn anything about the Bible apart from the approved teachings of their organization. Learn for yourself what Jesus taught. All you need do is study your Bible with emphasis on the teachings of Jesus Christ (John 8:31-32), day in and day out. It is easy! (Mat 11:25-30) You just start by seeing and understanding the glaring disparity between actual Bible study; and being led to immerse yourself in so called Bible study aids. (Matthew 7:22 ; Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 ; Mark 12:24) Just seat yourself at the feet of Christ by reading the Gospel accounts of his life and teachings, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
By declaring all their literature to be spiritual food, JW's attempt to place their words in the mouth of God Almighty. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) Even if they can quote more scriptures than some of the other religious sects, who also promote their own doctrines, being "close" is not good enough. (Gal 1:8-9) YouEvery single person must rely on the Bible as the lone source of spiritual food. There is an old illustration that no sensible person would drink 99% pure water knowing the other 1% was (or might be) poison. If an organization is producing it's own teachings, (especially when a portion of those teachings is being kept secret from lower cast members,) does it really matter if they have mixed in more Bible truth than other apostate groups. It is the part of their teachings which are not from the Bible that will shipwreck your faith. (1 Timothy 1:19) You should certainly understand this about Jehovah's Witnesses: if you join their group as a sincere student of the Bible, you will be at first welcomed to membership precisely because of your love for the spiritual food of God's Word. Then later, however, you will be disfellowshipped for refusing to make the change to express abject faith all their written materials are also spiritual food. You must actually put their literature above the Bible, as you must accept their explanation of every scripture. The men who govern their group will hear and fully comprehend your expressions that your absolute faith is in the Bible (during the period of your indoctrination). They actually believe, however, your expression is just ignorance or immaturity on your part. They believe you will become just like them, as they join in falling down to do an act of worship before their organization (by expressing faith the men who lead them are the source of their spiritual food). (Matthew 4:9) As they disfellowship you, they will publicly announce you are an enemy of God, without giving any reason for their judgment. They will then proceed to do all in their power to destroy your relationship with your family and friends, including your own mate. At their meetings, some of those who claimed to be your loving friends will look right through you without speaking or even acknowledging your existence. They blindly follow in this group abuse and abasement, even though only you and your tormentors (the three men of the congregation's elder body who joined to disfellowship you) will know the secret reason for their hateful action: That you refused to worship them. (Ester 3:5 ; Ester 5:9) Your friends will be led to believe you have committed some vile sin, or that you are an apostate enemy of our Creator. Any attempt by a disfellowshipped person to defend himself will be considered proof of guilt. Please realize: This hidden process by the organization amounts to a deliberate and malicious long-term trap for sincere Bible students! For a more in depth consideration of Jehovah's Witnesses, please visit: justbibletruth.com/JehovahsWitnesses2.html Before considering membership, you should fully understand their practice of disfellowshipping: justbibletruth.com/Disfellowship.html If you doubt what I say, watch this video of a meeting to disfellowship one of their members. JustBibleTruth.com/Videos/EditedMeetWithLouAndDaryl.mp4
Many of the elder men of their group will warn what is expressed here is not true. They assert (and even believe) disagreeing with the organization is not a sin. They will say it is, therefore, not punishable; "as long," they will continue, "as the person doesn't advocate their beliefs." They actually believe that is reasonable thinking! In other words: If the person will become a liar, and hide their true faith, they won't be disfellowshipped. Well duh!!! They don't seem to grasp: יהוה hates hypocrites. (Mark 7:1-9 ; Revelation 3:14-18 ; Psalms 26:2-10) Others among their group justify this abuse by viewing disfellowshipping as a sort of test. They know there are good for nothing men in their midst who disfellowship others without scriptural reason, but they give quiet support anyway. (Matthew 12:7 ; Judges 2:10) Their thinking seems to be: Anyone truly righteous will submit to any abuse heaped upon them, for the sake of organizational unity. They expect those abused persons to quietly wait on to stop their tormentors. Doesn't that seem similar to telling someone starving to "go and be warm and well fed," without lifting a finger to help? (James 2:15-16) יהוה certainly will fix the damage this hateful organization is causing, but, any persons who willingly support or ignore their abuse likely make themselves complicit. (1 Cor 4:5) Even those innocent victims who cower before their sect ( without revealing helping them hide what they truly are) may share responsibility. (Isaiah 59:14-21)
Many persons remain members of this group because they believe another terrible lie promoted by the sect: If they leave, they are told, they don't have anywhere to go away to. The sect misapplies the words of Peter when warning not to abandon Christ, to support "their" warning against leaving "their" sect. (John 6:68-69) It was the teachings of Christ Jesus himself, which the apostles believed and stated they should not abandon. They were not talking about abandoning the sect of JW's. Abandoning this sect, and returning to your Bible, is a good thing! It is Christ Jesus himself who teaches each of us what we need to know. (Mat 23:1-12) The words of Christ are spiritual food; the writings of JW's are not inspired by God. You don't need any group of men to approve you. (John 4:21 & 23) If you seek such organizational approval from men, what does that say about who you worship? (Mat 23:1-15; Mat 6:1)
The leaders of this sect are dependant on one thing to continue their deception: They require the unquestioning faith of their "sheep" in everything they print and teach. They demand blind faith, and then, they enforce it! Such man-worship is terrible for those who attempt to make it available to other men, by directing to the teachings of their sect. (Matthew 6:1-2) It is probably worse for those who accept those elevated titles or positions in their sect. What about the zealots who demand worship from others, based on those elevated titles? (Acts 12:21-23 ; Revelation 19:9-10)
Most members of this group are terrified to even consider they have been misled by the sect. Many don't even realize those who control their sect (their local elder men)have chosen to worship their "governing body."{They have titled the subgroup they bow down before as the "faithful and discreet slave" and/or "governing body.") Those elders who won't join that hidden program of false worship won't remain elders long. Wouldn't it be wise for all their members to just consider: Doesn't such a program of men blindly following other men, keep the men who lead them in power, no matter what kind of men they really are? In light of the words of Christ, can anyone really believe such unquestioning obedience to the men who lead their group is wise? (Mat 23:1-15)
As Jesus himself said: (John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. (Please compare Psalms 83:18) Jesus also said in prayer to his Father: "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) Gaining an understanding of what is right is not complicated. (Mark 12:24) Simply know the Bible (and the thoughts of Christ) to be the only source of knowledge (spiritual food) which you can depend on to help you build faith for life! Make certain every single thing you build faith in really is spiritual food; in that it comes directly from the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Make no exceptions to the Bible rule not to go beyond what is written! (1 Corinthians 4:6) That is our protection against being misled. (Luke 21:8 ; Mark 12:24) There is certainly no valid hope in placing faith in the writings of some group of people. This webpage presents a thumbnail sketch exposing what the Doeg leaders of JW's organization are trying to keep hidden: They demand all their sheep bow before their altar of organizational unit. Understanding the deception by these people also helps identify others we need to avoid being in fear of: That is all the arrogant and self righteous religious leaders who are producing their own law(by asserting the organizational rules they make up are spiritual food) and then asserting it is a requirement for pleasing god. (John 7:46-49) Serving up so called Bible study aids as spiritual food is an effective method of hiding the Bible in plain sight. Many of their elders confess openly to believing they need the organization to "interpret" scripture for them. (Not teach the Bible to them, mind you, but interpret it for them. That difference is immeasurable.) The group has fully convinced most of their "sheep" that every form of worship apart from theirs amounts to a bowing before men, and/or, worship of the devil. They have their members so fearful, most will not even consider they have been misled in that exact same way they warn the other churches are trying to do.
As for you and your household, (Joshua 24:14-15) become familiar with Jesus's own explanation (interpretation) of the Bible as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. (John 5:19 ; John 8:28 ; John 8:31-32 ; Mark 1:1) You are foolish if you depend upon the teachings of men. (Matthew 7:21-23) If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and you realize this is true, don't try to defend your faith before them. They will immediately disfellowship you publicly as God's enemy. What you can do is print this webpage and express (to other members) your sincere concern about whether these things are true. For your own part, make everyone aware you are a student of God's word the Bible, and that you have not thrown in your lot with men who blindly support their own group teachings; right or wrong! (Proverbs 1:14 ; Mark 12:24) Declare that you are a Christian based on your own personal faith, and that through your personal knowledge of what Jesus said. (Acts 11:25-26) You should not crave the association and approval, nor fear the punishment, of any group who will not accept such a sincere expression of faith. Blind guides is what they are! (Matthew 15:14 ; Matthew 23:23-24) One (over used) encouragement by the leaders of this group, and one which you should actually follow, is this: They say we should follow the (submissive) example of King David, or that of Joseph of olden times. Please take special note that while David wouldn't kill his abuser Saul, also notice how David "cried out" before everyone to expose the wicked "anointed" king who was slandering him. (1 Samuel 24:12-15; 1 Samuel 26:10) Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his own brothers, likewise humiliated and exposed those brothers before he forgave them. (Gen 37:2 - 47:12) These are my cries, like those of David and Joseph... If you are a sincere Bible student, it is at your own peril that you are led to membership among the organization representing themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses; or any other group asserting themselves as judges over who is righteous. (Romans 2:1-2 ; Luke 6:26) Follow or return to Christ!
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